SpotLight: Shadow-Guided Object Relighting via Diffusion
Frédéric Fortier-Chouinard     Zitian Zhang     Louis-Etienne Messier
Mathieu Garon     Anand Bhattad     Jean-François Lalonde

Target background
Static object insertion (ZeroComp)
Coarse desired shadow (shadowmapped or hand-drawn)
Shadow-conditionned object insertion (Ours)

[Interactive Supplementary]
[Dataset (coming soon)]


Recent work has shown that diffusion models can be used as powerful neural rendering engines that can be leveraged for inserting virtual objects into images. Unlike typical physics-based renderers, however, neural rendering engines are limited by the lack of manual control over the lighting setup, which is often essential for improving or personalizing the desired image outcome. In this paper, we show that precise lighting control can be achieved for object relighting simply by specifying the desired shadows of the object. Rather surprisingly, we show that injecting only the shadow of the object into a pre-trained diffusion-based neural renderer enables it to accurately shade the object according to the desired light position, while properly harmonizing the object (and its shadow) within the target background image. Our method, SpotLight, leverages existing neural rendering approaches and achieves controllable relighting results with no additional training. Specifically, we demonstrate its use with two neural renderers from the recent literature. We show that SpotLight achieves superior object compositing results, both quantitatively and perceptually, as confirmed by a user study, outperforming existing diffusion-based models specifically designed for relighting.


This research was supported by NSERC grants RGPIN 2020-04799 and ALLRP 586543-23, Mitacs and Depix. Computing resources were provided by the Digital Research Alliance of Canada. The authors thank Zheng Zeng, Yannick Hold-Geoffroy and Justine Giroux for their help as well as all members of the lab for discussions and proofreading help.